Leyla Ade

Hi, my name is Leyla and I am a PhD Student.

After graduating from the University of Heidelberg in Mathematics and Philosophy, I studied mathematical Logic at the Institute of Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) in Amsterdam. I finished my Master's with a thesis on the iteration of goal-based voting. Broad areas of my interest are Game Theory and Collective Decision-Making. As a PhD Student at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Bayreuth I am a part of the Simulating Collective Agency Project. In this research I study the theory of team reasoning as a game theoretic formalization of collective agency. In particular, I am interested in the stability of team reasoning in evolutionary game theoretic settings as well as philosophical consequences of the theory.


  • Jan-Feb 2023| Visiting PhD, Munich Center of Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich
  • since 2021 | PhD Student, University of Bayreuth
  • 2019 - 2021 | MSc Logic, ILLC, University of Amsterdam
  • 2015 - 2019 | BSc Mathematics and Philosophy, University of Heidelberg

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